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How to Avoid a Shifting Smile: When Should You Have Your Retainer Replaced?

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthohopkinton @ 3:41 pm
person with blue retainer and blue protective case

Customized retainers are a part of orthodontic treatment that many patients forget about. Designed to keep teeth firmly in place after they have spent months or even years shifting into proper alignment, these small appliances are essential to preventing a wasted investment. But how long do they last and when is it necessary to seek a replacement? Keep reading to find out.

What is the General Rule for Retainer Replacement?

When wearing a retainer, you may begin to wonder how long it will last before it’s time to trade it for a new one. Naturally, this process is determined by how well you maintain your appliance.

In general, though, retainers can last 5-10 years as long as you commit to taking proper care of your device. This means cleaning it multiple times each day as well as allowing it to soak so that all harmful particles are removed.

What Should You Look for to Know It’s Time to Replace Your Retainer?

Some situations make it easy to know when it’s best to have a new retainer created for your smile; however, others are more subtle and difficult to detect.

You can expect that we will prepare you for any problems that might occur while wearing a retainer, some of which will require a complete replacement for adequate function.

The various signs to watch for include:

  • Damage to the retainer – A small chip or crack can harm your soft oral tissues if you continue to wear your damaged retainer.
  • Loose-fitting retainer – When your appliance no longer fits snugly against your teeth, there is an increased risk of your pearly whites shifting out of alignment.
  • Excessive Plaque – When excessive build-up accumulates on your retainer, you may need to have it thoroughly cleaned. If this doesn’t seem to be enough to resolve the issue, you’ll want to talk to your dentist about having a new retainer crafted.

How Can You Get a New Retainer?

When it comes to having a new retainer created for your smile, you will need to call your orthodontist for help. If you had your braces put in place by the same team, there is a good chance that they will have an impression of your smile, making the process easier and more convenient.

You never want to wait when experiencing a problem with your retainer, as your teeth will begin to shift, undoing all of your hard work. Get the replacement appliance you need to keep your teeth in their newly defined place year after year.

About the Practice
At Simply Orthodontics of Hopkinton, our talented orthodontists, Dr. Jamie Moon and Dr. Sam Alkhoury work hard to help patients who recently completed orthodontic treatment. Our customized retainers allow for long-standing results that remain firmly in place year after year. If you or a loved one believe it might be time to have a new retainer created for your smile, contact us via the website or by calling (508) 435-1200.